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corporate id

corporate id

Your logo is your brand, a combination of characters and/or graphics used to create a design that identifies your company or business. It is this unique branding that offers a point of difference between your business and its competitors by projecting a corporate image, promoting company awareness and ensuring continued client loyalty.

The term brand originates from the days when farmers began to ‘brand’ their cattle to register ownership of their herd. Before long the brand began to represent not just the owner but their values and quality of their product. Paying attention to quality logo design should be a matter of great importance for any business seeking a professionally presented corporate image. Network Creative Services can design an original logo or redesign your current one.

Style Guides

We offer a full corporate ID service complete with style guide (link: sample) and logo sheet (link: sample) development. This will ensure your brand will be reproduced exactly as you intended. The guides can outline print and digital based specifications and encompass details for correct representation in publications as well as set out accurate descriptions for web site development, etc.